“Prosperous Armenia” Party leader Gagik Tsarukyan mentioned that the last two years period could be assessed to be hard and full of events. Participating in the elections of National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia for the first time in 2007 “Prosperous Armenia” Party received a serious support and trust of our nation.  In a short period of time “Prosperous Armenia” could become one of the influential political powers of our country, the authority and credence of which continues to grow. In 2008 presidential elections the candidate supported by us won and became the President of the country. Coalition government was formed, where “Prosperous Armenia” Party obtained three portfolios for the ministerial positions.

“Prosperous Armenia” is faithful to principles declared by Coalition, and we are closely collaborating with our partners from Coalition. Today again from this tribune I reaffirm our support towards the profound reforms taking place in our country, towards the decisiveness of Mr. Serzh Sargsyan and towards the carried out policy. And having in mind the part of the responsibility we bear, from now on we’ll continue again to bring our contribution to the strengthening and prosperity of the Republic of Armenia”,- mentioned Mr. Tsarukyan in his speech.

The issue of world financial-economic crisis was also touched upon in Gagik Tsarukyan’s speech.  “We must realize the world crisis makes the present situation worse and worse. In these conditions we find it inadmissible all the efforts of increasing the tax burden on tax payers. As a rule in such cases just the opposite must happen, and we have talked about it many times”,-stated Mr. Tsarukyan and added that the bank credit system in Armenia for the businesses should be reconsidered; the percent rates should be decreased; state supported programs towards domestic producers should be implemented. 

Mr . Tsarukyan also mentioned the issue of Nagorno-Karabakh conflict is his speech. “In 2008 negotiation efforts around Karabakh Conflict Settlement became noticeably active. That inspires a careful optimism about achieving a realistic progress during the negotiation phase. The final resolution of Karabakh Conflict should stem from the interests of Armenian Nation. That is; the Independence of Nagorno Karabakh is irrevocable reality and it is the obligation of each of us to work towards international recognition of the problem”, added Mr. Tsarukyan.

Another part of Mr. Tsarukyan’s speech was devoted to Armenian-Turkish relationships. Gagik Tsarukyan mentioned that 2008 was also remarkable for some progress recorded in Armenian Turkish relationships.  "We welcomed Yerevan meeting of President Sargsyan and President Gül and the following diplomatic meetings of various levels. I think that both nations being neighbors, should have internationally accepted possibilities to establish relationships with each other and in the region there should be no closed borders”, added Gagik Tsarukyan.

The last part of Mr. Tsarukyan’s speech was devoted to the Party’s international collaboration and different problems with “Prosperous Armenia” Party. “During last period, with help of our consistent efforts we were successful enough to establish links with some of the influential political authorities of abroad. Last February we signed memorandum of cooperation with “Yedinaya Rossia” Russian Party, and another memorandum with Ukrainian Regions’ Party in December”.
Mr. Tsarukyan is absolutely sure that the high-level amicable and close relationships that have been established in between Chinese Communist Party and Prosperous Armenia Party will have a great contribution in mutually beneficial cooperation with such a powerful country not only in the sphere of politics, but also in the sphere of Economy, Education, Urban Development, Culture, Youth and many other spheres.

“I believe in myself, I believe in capabilities of each of you”, - said Gagik Tsarukyan to the participants of the Fourth Congress at the end of his speech and wished them good luck.